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Webinar: David McNaughton om overganger

ISAAC Norge har gleden av å invitere til webinar med David Mcnaughton om de store overganger i livet som ASK bruker. Det blir spesielt fokus på overgangen fra barn til voksen – og betydningen av lese og skrive- ferdigheter for å få muligheten til å bli en del av vår svært bokstavpregede kultur.

Dato: 7. juni kl 1700-1900

Webinaret er et samarbejde mellom landene i ISAACs Region 2 (Koordinator Margit Grønkjær): Sverige, Norge, Nederland, Polen, Russland og Ukraina). Webinaret blir holdt på engelsk.

Det er allerede mange påmeldinger fra Ukraina ❤

Det koster kr. 200,- for medlemmer av ISAAC Norge og kr. 250,- for ikke-medlemmer. Det er mulig å melde seg inn i ISAAC Norge her: www.isaac.no

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Webinaret blir holdt på engelsk. Her er litt mer informasjon om temaet og litt om foreleseren:

Transition planning with adolescents with complex communication needs: New AAC supports for communication and participation

AAC must support communication and participation in valued activities of daily life including communicating with caregivers, participating in employment and post-secondary education activities, shopping in the community, and developing friendships and intimate relationships. This session will discuss key goals for transition planning, and describe new approaches to AAC, including the use of video visual scene displays, to support participation and communication for adolescents with complex communication needs.

Dr. David McNaughton is a Professor of Special Education (with a cross appointment in Communication Sciences and Disorders) at Pennsylvania State University. He teaches classes on assistive technology, grant writing, and literacy instruction for persons with severe disabilities. His current research interests include literacy instruction for individuals who require AAC, the development of vocational opportunities for individuals with severe disabilities, and the effective use of web-based instructional materials to support pre-service and in-service instruction. He is currently a co-leader of training and dissemination activities for the RERC on Communication Enhancement (https://rerc-aac.psu.edu). He is committed to effective dissemination and has published over 70 journal articles and book chapters (https://tinyurl.com/googlescholarDavidMcNaughton ). He also supports the AAC Learning Center (https://aac-learning-center.psu.edu/), a free educational resource on augmentative and alternative communication.


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