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Webinar: Communication Access UK

ISAAC samarbeider i ulike regioner. ISAAC Norge tilhører region 2. Region 2 arrangerer jevnlig webinarer på engelsk. Dette webinaret blir holdt av Communication Access UK v/ Catherine Harris den 19. oktober kl 1700. Påmelding skjer gjøres her: www.isaac.dk/tilmelding

Litt mer på engelsk her:

Communication Access UK is a partnership between charities and organizations that share a vision to improve the lives of people living with communication disabilities. The Steering Group is chaired by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.

The aim of the Steering Group has been to coordinate the early adopter phase and roll out of the symbol. The official launch of the website www.communication-access.co.uk and free eLearning resource was in November 2020. If a business displays the symbol, it means that staff have received training and that people with communication difficulties are welcome.

There has been ongoing engagement with Health, Education, Local Authority, Retail and Leisure Organisations with over 2000 signing up to date.

The session will outline the process (and roller coaster ride!) from the initial vision through to the present day.

Catherine Harris, MRCSLT

Communication Access UK project consultant

I am a Speech and Language Therapist with over 40 years of experience in a wide range of settings.

I have specialized in supporting young people and adults with Neurological Conditions and have been involved in developing both regional and local Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) services.

From 2006-2009 I served as a trustee for Communication Matters (CM) and from Sept 2012-Sept 2016 I served in the voluntary role of Chair for this organization.

I am currently acting as a project consultant for Communication Access UK which launched in November 2020.  The steering group for this exciting partnership initiative is chaired by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.


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